Saturday, December 31, 2022

Baltic States*

Date of issue: ?
Name of issue: Freedom for the Baltic states

Number of arachnid related stamps in issue: 1/1

This is an anti-communism cinderella propaganda stamp. Although not a postage stamp, as far as I know, this is the oldest stamp of any sort depicting an arachnid (the oldest postage stamp is the 1965 Togo Pandinus imperator). I do not know the exact year that this stamp was issued, but I do have a picture on file of one used on an envelope stamped in 1951.

Michel #: none - cinderella
 order: Araneae
family: Araneidae (??)

Baltic States - Spiders

Date of issue: ?
Name of issue: Freedom for the Baltic states

Number of arachnid related stamps in issue: 1/1

Michel #: none - cinderella
 order: Araneae
family: Araneidae (??)

For more information on this series, click HERE

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Batumi* (1996)

Date of issue: 1996
Name of issue: Animal preservation
Number of arachnid related stamps in issue: 0/0

Another one of those local/cinderella issues from a former Soviet Union territory (see also Abkhazia, Khakassia and Chuvashia). For more information on Batumi, click HERE

This issue is also available as imperforate and 90th Anniversary of Scouting overprint.

The spider is located on the left side of the souvenir sheet.

Crop from sheet:

Michel #: none - local
order: Araneae

Batumi* - Spiders

Date of issue: 1996
Name of issue: Animal preservation
Number of arachnid related stamps in issue: 0/0

Michel #: none - local
order: Araneae

Full sheet:

For more information on this series, click HERE

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Belarus (2006)

Date of issue: 2006
Number of arachnid related stamps in issue: 0/1 (souvenir sheet)

Michel #: none
order: Araneae
*close-up of spider

Full sheet:


Michel #: ?
order: Araneae

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Belarus (2013)

Date of issue: 2013
Name of issue: Edible mushrooms
Number of arachnid related stamps in issue: 1/4

Michel #: ?
order: Araneae
family: Araneidae

Full sheet:

Mixted souvenir sheet:

Other stamps of this series:

Other full sheets of this series:


Belarus - Spiders

Date of issue: 2013
Name of issue: Edible mushrooms
Number of arachnid related stamps in issue: 1/4

Michel #: ?
order: Araneae
family: Araneidae

For more information on this series, click HERE

Friday, October 7, 2022

Belgium (2023)

Date of issue: August 28th, 2023
Name of issue: Splendeur des araignées (Spiders splendor)
Number of arachnid related stamps in issue: 5/5

Wonderful artwork, here are the details from the first day cover that I translated from French (there is an article from their magazine at the bottom of this post that I will translate eventually).

This series takes us in the fascinating world of spiders and concentrates on a few colorful species.

Many people are scared of spiders, but it is often the unknown that scares us. These animals are in reality extremely useful since they get rid of unwanted insects like mosquitos for example.

For the creation of this series, we are discovering the most beautiful species that live in our country.

The Variable Thomise (Misumena vatia) is part of the crab-spiders family. The female measures roughly  7 to 11 mm and the mâle 3 to 5 mm. This spider has the ability to change color; this technic allows it to trick predators. This is an ambush hunting spider. It can remain motionless for hours waiting for a prey to get close enough for it's reach. It then grabs it and injects it's venom through small holes. Next, it injects it's digestive fluids that liquifies the insides of the insect. After that, it can aspirate the content. An empty shell is the only thing left after it's meal. 

Michel #:
order: Araneae
family: Thomisidae
Misumena vatia (Clerck, 1757)

The Emerald Micrommate (Micrommata virescens) belongs to the Sparassidae family also known as Hunting Crab-Spiders. This species hunts it's preys during the day and does not build web. The female has a longitudinal red and yellow band on it's abdomen and measures from 8 to 10mm. Once mating is completed, the female builds a cocoon between leaves or grass and barely leaves that nest. The babies leave the nest after one week and the female can resume hunting. They can be found in the herbaceous and grass layer of humid zones, close to forests and in the humid limits of forests.

Michel #: ?
order: Araneae
family: Sparassidae
Micrommata virescens (Clerck, 1757)

The Swollen Thomise (Thomisus onustus), that also belongs to the crab-spiders family, is specialized in the art of camouflage. It changes colors depending of the flower it is standing on and can take on many different shades. The Swollen Thomise does not build web, but hunts it's prey. It hides in a flower and waits for an insect to come and collect the pollen or nectar. It then catches it's prey and kills it with a bite. It's two front pairs of legs allows it to grab the insect and it uses it's two back pairs to secure itself tightly on the flower.

Michel #:?
order: Araneae
family: Thomisidae
Thomisus onustus Walckenaer, 1805

The Diadem Spider (Araneus diadematus), well known, belongs to the Araneidae family. This spider builds a web from non sticky strings placed as rays on which lays a spiral constituted of sticky strands on which preys become stuck. The Diadem Spider builds it's web close to the ground or in the low branches of trees or bushes and often positions itself at the center. It is easily recognized by it's cross pattern located on it's abdomen. Females often reach 17mm not including the legs. Males measure approximately 10mm. The Diadem Spider is very useful to humans since it catches many insects that we consider undesirable like flies, mosquitos and wasps.

Michel #: ?
order: Araneae
family: Araneidae
Araneus diadematus Clerck, 1757

Finally, there is the Wasp Spider (Argiope bruennichi). It also belongs to the Araneidae family. It's striped yellow and black coloration makes it impossible to distinguish it from grass. This spider builds it's web close to the ground in the herbs or among the grass and positions in the middle of it's construction waiting for a prey. Once a prey stuck it it's web, the spider rolls it with silk until it is wrapped. It kills it's victims with a venomous bite. Even if it's camouflage is a clear message to it's predators, it is in fact completely harmless. Before the end of the summer, the female starts working and builds a brown cocoon of a paper like material. These cocoons resemble a jar and can contain up to 400 eggs. Males are almost always eaten after mating. The females measure approximately 15mm, while males measure 5mm maximum, are brown, more subdued  and less often noticed.

Michel #: ? 
order: Araneae
family: Araneidae
Argiope bruennichi (Scopoli, 1772)

Souvenir sheet:

bpost publication:

Philnews 3-2023 p.12

Philnews 3-2023 p.13

Belgium - Spiders

Date of issue: August 28th, 2023
Name of issue: Splendeur des araignées (Spiders splendor)
Number of arachnid related stamps in issue: 5/5

Michel #:
order: Araneae
family: Thomisidae
Misumena vatia (Clerck, 1757)

For more information on this series, click HERE

Belgium - Spiders

Date of issue: August 28th, 2023
Name of issue: Splendeur des araignées (Spiders splendor)
Number of arachnid related stamps in issue: 5/5

Michel #: ?
order: Araneae
family: Sparassidae
Micrommata virescens (Clerck, 1757)

For more information on this series, click HERE

Belgium - Spiders

Date of issue: August 28th, 2023
Name of issue: Splendeur des araignées (Spiders splendor)
Number of arachnid related stamps in issue: 5/5

Michel #:?
order: Araneae
family: Thomisidae
Thomisus onustus Walckenaer, 1805

For more information on this series, click HERE

Belgium - Spiders

Date of issue: August 28th, 2023
Name of issue: Splendeur des araignées (Spiders splendor)
Number of arachnid related stamps in issue: 5/5

Michel #: ?
order: Araneae
family: Araneidae
Araneus diadematus Clerck, 1757

For more information on this series, click HERE

Belgium - Spiders

Date of issue: August 28th, 2023
Name of issue: Splendeur des araignées (Spiders splendor)
Number of arachnid related stamps in issue: 5/5

Michel #: ? 
order: Araneae
family: Araneidae
Argiope bruennichi (Scopoli, 1772)

For more information on this series, click HERE

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Belize (1991)

Date of issue: November 6th, 1991
Name of issue: Folklore
Number of arachnid related stamps in issue: 1/6

Michel #: 1078
category: folklore
name: Anansi

Other stamps of this issue:

Date of issue: January 11th, 1995 to October 14th, 1996

Although very far fetched, I have decided to include this stamp of a Pepsis sp. because it is a notorious predator of spiders. It is part of a series of twelve stamps about insects which I will not list all since none of them actually shows an arachnid.

Michel #: 1140
order: Hemynoptera
family: Pompilidae
Pepsis sp.

Belize - Folklore

Date of issue: November 6th, 1991
Number of arachnid related stamps in issue: 1/6

Michel #: 1078
category: folklore
name: Anansi

For more information on this series, click HERE

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Belize - Pompilidae

Date of issue: January 11th, 1995 to October 14th, 1996
Number of arachnid related stamps in issue: 0/12

Although very far fetched, I have decided to include folowing stamps of Pompilidae spp. because they are notorious predators of spiders.

Michel #: 1140
order: Hemynoptera
family: Pompilidae
Pepsis sp.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Benin - 2002

Date of issue: 2002
Number of arachnid related stamps in issue: 0/1 (souvenir sheet)

This is a cinderella stamp (not valid for postal use) with a scorpion in the gutter. Note that many similar stamps have been printed with other country's names on them (see Congo)

Michel #: none - cinderella
order: Scorpiones
family: Scorpionidae (suspected)

Benin - Scorpions

Date of issue: 2002
Number of arachnid related stamps in issue: 0/1 (souvenir sheet)

Michel #: none - cinderella
order: Scorpiones
family: Scorpionidae (suspected)

For more information on this series, click HERE

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Benin (2003)

Date of issue: 2003
Number of arachnid related stamps in issue: 0/11 (souvenir sheet)

I was extremely excited when I had discovered this issue. It was the first time I had found one showing an arachnid of the Thelyphonida order (often called uropygid, or vinegaroon). Of course, it was too good to be true as it is a false issue. Would have been odd for an African country to issue a souvenir sheet showing a scenery of the American South-West (you can clearly see a Gila Monster). Because of the setting, I presume the arachnid shown is a Mastigoproctus giganteus.

Michel #: none - Cinderella
category: souvenir sheet only

Close-up of the uropygid

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Benin (2011)

Date of issue: 2011
Name of issue: Chélicérates (Chelicerata)
Number of arachnid related stamps in issue: 9/10

The one stamp that is not an arachnid is a horseshoe crab.

I am not sure if this series is valid or not. It looks fake to me. The perforation is very cheap. Also, the official language of Benin is French, the name of the series and the country is in French but the texts about Brachypelma smithi and Pandinus imperator are in English, which is weird.

Michel #: ?
order: Araneae
family: Theridiidae
Latrodectus mactans (Fabricius, 1775)

Michel #: ?
order: Araneae
family: Theraphosidae
Aphonopelma eutylenum Chamberlin, 1940

Michel #: ?
order: Scorpiones
family: Vaejovidae
Paruroctonus silvestrii (Borelli 1909)

Michel #: ?
order: Araneae
family: Theraphosidae
Brachypelma smithi (F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1897)

Michel #: ?
order: Scorpiones
family: Caraboctonidae
Hadrurus arizonensis (Ewing 1928)

Michel #: ?
order: Scorpiones
family: Vaejovidae
Uroctonus mordax Thorell, 1876

Michel #: ?
order: Araneae
family: Theraphosidae
Grammostola rosea (Walckenaer, 1837)

Michel #: ?
order: Araneae
family: Araneidae
Gasteracantha cancriformis (Linnaeus, 1758)

Michel #: ?
order: Scorpiones
family: Scorpionidae
Pandinus imperator (C. L. Koch, 1841)

Full sheets: