Sunday, August 28, 2016

Namibia (2007)

Date of issue: February 15th, 2007
Name of issue: Biodiversity of Namibia
Number of arachnid related stamps in issue: 1/12
                                                                          + 0/4 (extra issue 2008)

This issue is a little complicated. It was first issued in 2007, that original issue was printed with gum arabic, it has a glossy white back and a perforation of 14:13.5

There was an additional four stamps issued in 2008 with same gum.

The 12 original values were reprinted in 2008 with PVA gum and have a creamy yellowish back.

The standard mail web-footed gecko stamp was reprinted in 2010 and 2011. The 2010 is the same as the original, but the 2011 was with PVA gum and a different perforation (14).

The date of printing is written in the gutter of the full sheets.

I also have an imperforated pair of the 2008 solifugid stamp. Imperforated were never officially issued and are very rare.

A very funny mistake appeared on the full sheet of the crab stamp from the 2008 extra stamps. The sheet should have read: "Deepsea red crab", but originally, it read: "Deepsea red crap". I guess they eventually noticed it and it was reprinted with the right spelling (see below for those two sheets).

Michel #: 1215
order: Solifugae
family: Ceromidae
Ceroma inerme Purcell 1899

Full sheet:

Other stamps of this series:

2008 extra issue:


2007 other complete sheets:

2008 extra issue (full sheets):


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