Date of issue: 2015
Number of arachnid related stamps in issue: 1/12
Series based on several French proverbs. These are self adhesive stamps.
"Araignée du soir, espoir"
Of course, the English translation does not rime, but it means "Evening spider, hope"
The complete version is:
Araignée du matin, chagrin (morning spider, sadness)
Araignée du midi, souci (noon spider, worry)
Araignée du soir, espoir (evening spider, hope)
Sadness in the morning because if a spider is seen working in the morning, that means it is not bothered by dew. If there is no dew, it means rain is come. Worry at noon, because if the spider is working at noon, it means that rain is coming, so one must hurry up. Hope in the evening because if a spider is seen walking around relaxed at dusk, it means that the nice weather will go on.
Disclaimer: I am not responsible for inaccurate weather predictions based on this proverb!
Michel #: ? order: Araneae |
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